
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Supernatural Western Spinoff : Here's everything we know.

  As beloved and iconic as Supernatural is, from it’s spot on cast to it’s emotional lessons on family, and it’s iconic settings and storylines. There has one place the show has always failed in. That being in creating a successor. Supernatural has now made two attempts at creating a spinoff.  The first being “Bloodlines”, which was supposed to be a show that focused on a Romeo and Juliet type of story while monster factions warred in the background. The second being Wayward Sisters, an amalgamation of female characters from throughout the series, coming together to face of against an unknown enemy. However now, as lead actor Jensen Ackles takes a stab at a third spinoff “The Winchester’s”, which many fans are not really happy about. We at Regenerate Media have uncovered information on another spinoff that no one knew about. This is the Supernatural Western Spinoff, and everything we know about it. Western Spinoff : Late in Season one, Supernatural viewers are intro...

Everything You Missed in the Leaked Spiderman :No way Home Trailer.

After weeks of waiting for a trailer to release, Spiderman fans were growing frustrated. However a hero emerged. Last night an unknown source leaked the teaser trailer to Spiderman no way home and it was glorious. Here’s an analysis of everything it shows us. Timeline : According to the trailer, this movie takes place right after the end f Spiderman Far From home. With Spiderman’s true identity being outed to the world. Spiderman is now being investigated by law enforcement officials, along with his friends and family. They are all under the belief that he senselessly murdered Mysterio. His life is thrown into disarray so he decided to take drastic action. A visit to an old friend : Peter visits Doctor strange in New York and after an awkward exchange of words, he asks for his help. Dr Strange casts a spell, however he is first warned by Wong not too. The spell is meant to make everyone forget that Peter Parker is Spiderman. Both friends and enemies. However something seems t...

Three Supernatural Spinoffs that Need to happen.

Now that Supernatural is over, many fans are dealing with the loss of their favorite show. That loss seems like it can only be cured by a Spinoff. However the announcement of a Spinoff earlier this year was not met with a lot of approval at it deals with the early married life of Mary and John Winchester. However, Supernatural does have an abundance of strong characters and plots. All of which would make amazing spinoff shows. Below I have outlined ideas and storylines for three shows that could be amazing Supernatural Spinoffs. Secret Societies : Supernatural has an abundance secret Societies. However in the center of them all are the men of letters. A new Supernatural show could focus on the recreation of the American men of letters, headlining the case could be various minor characters like Garth and Jody Mills, among others. The storyline would focus on a ragtag group of modern men of letters as they face of against the Thule society. The show could also deal with both Americ...

Here's why the Final three seasons of Supernatural were so bad. Finally facing reality.

Before I start let me just state that I love Supernatural as much as any other fan. So there is no toxic energy in this article. The reality of the situation is that we are a fiercely loyal fan base, because of our loyalty we overlook some things, like how bad the final few season were of Supernatural. This is why Supernatural quality gradually declined and why it’s okay to admit it. The beginning of the End : Supernatural first started feeling tired and fatigued in season ten. While the mark of Cain Storyline was enticing, it’s execution was flawed. Sam was able to save Den from the Mark of Cain in the first few episodes, he than proceeded to spend the rest of the season once again trying to Save Dean from the Mark of Cain. The problem with this is that once we saw it, we didn’t have to see it again. However regardless of that their were some good storyline in Season ten that I would have loved to see continued. Like the steins for example. However it seemed like things were going...

Young Winchesters: Chapter one.

My Brothers Keeper Dean Winchester had always been very aware of his surroundings. The life he lived, forced him to be. However today was the day he made a fatal mistake and he knew it was his fault. However now it was too late to change it, Sam’s life was in danger and he would do anything to save his brother. Just a few hours earlier their father had dropped the Winchester boys at a cheap motel. With just enough money to last them a few days and a few weapons. Sam of course didn’t know about the weapons, Instead Sam was under the impression that no one in their family had ever fired a gun. Dean of course knew better. By his thirteenth birthday, earlier that week, Dean had fired enough silver shotgun rounds to kill a Vampire. That however is not a metaphor, because for his thirteenth birthday he actually did kill a Vampire. As they settled into the hotel room and Sam snacked on a packet of crisps, Dean sat on his bed in silence. Killing the Vampire was fun at first, until all the ...

This is the Worst Joker and whether he will ever be redeemed.

There have been many great iterations of the Joker throughout film history. If you look back they are all beloved and unique. The Joker many be the most iconic villain in history. However one of the more recent Jokers seems to have completely destroyed that legendary run and ironically made a mockery of the character. This was of course the thankfully short lived Joker by Jared Leto. Below is why this was the worse iteration of the Joker and why I’m thankful that he is gone. Suicide Squad : I remember seeing the trailers for the suicide squad and being both scared and excited. Jared Leto’s joker looked like a terrifying maniac, a monster that perfectly embodied human insanity. However when the movie dropped I was sorely disappointed. As instead of a insane genius that shows you the realities of modern society, we instead got a glorified gangster that looked more like a modern rap star. Jared Leto’s Joker only had one purpose, and that was to try and look cool for millennials. Peopl...

Here is Why Spiderman No Way home will fail. The Spiderman Curse

Spiderman: No Way Home, will release in a matter of months. However people are already hyped for the movie, even without the release of a trailer. However, Sadly, this movie and everything we know about it, is setting itself up for failure. Spiderman No Way home will fall under the Spiderman curse, simply because of its execution. We’ve actually seen this happen twice before. So why exactly will the movie fail and what is the Spiderman Curse, all these details are below. The Spiderman Curse : The Spiderman Curse has previously affected two other movies. These being Spiderman 3 (Tobey Maguire) and The Amazing Spiderman 2 (Andrew Garfield). During the production and writing of these movies, their independent teams had bit off more they could chew. Trying to juggle multiple storylines and Characters. In Spiderman 3, this was Venom, Sandman and Baby Goblin. Which all came together to make a mess of a movie that was overstuffed and under acted. In The Amazing Spiderman 2, this was aga...

Here's what will happen in The Winchester's. Plot + Settings + Returning cast.

A few months ago, the Supernatural fandom was hit with a bombshell. After two failed attempts, a new Supernatural spin off is being produced. This new spinoff would focus on a Young John and Mary Winchester and would be narrated by one of the stars, Jensen Ackles. Even though when the news initially hit it caused some tension (which was quickly resolved) Many fans were excited about new content. So I have taken to researching and found all the things that may happen in the New Series. Here it is. The Setting : We’ve seen many of the events that take place before Mary Makes her demon deal. So the chance of   us going back to that era is slim at best. The best place for this series to start is when John and Mary Move into their new home, the home she died in. Instead of being a roadshow, this series may likely only focus on one small town and the Paranormal Activity that haunts this town soon after the Winchester’s move in. However it won’t just be John and Mary. An addition to...

Spiderman No Way Home Plot + Leaks + Trailer release date.

The Superhero fandoms are currently waiting with baited breath for the trailer of Spiderman : No Way Home. A movie that is set to take the world by storm. For a while now their have been rumors of a star cast from previous Spiderman movies as well as both Sony and Marvel heroes. However with this comes a lot of anxiety and uncertainty that the movie will live up to the high expectations the fandom has set for it. So I got into researching and have found you some definitive plot points as well as the trailer release date. Casting : The cast of No way Home will definitely include alum from older Spiderman movie. The green goblin from the first movie, Doc Ock from the second movie and Electro from The Amazing Spiderman 2, Have all been confirmed. Along with that, rumors (only rumors) have been floating around of both Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire showing up in some capacity. Regardless of this, there is no evidence that these characters will be playing their old roles. Except for th...

Superman VS Ikaris. Here's who would win.

Recently Marvel has been on a roll with their Television series and Movies. A new piece of content has been dropping every month since WandaVision Jump started Phase Four of the MCU. However in there most recent trailer, for The Eternals, people noticed something peculiar. One of the main Heroes in the movie, Ikaris, has a power set that has been seen before. This power set is almost exactly the same as that of Superman from the DCEU. So this leaves us, fans of both franchises with a question. Who would win if they went head to head. Below I analyze both characters and than leave you with a definitive answer. Superman (Analysis) : Superman’s power set includes strength, flight, laser eyes, speed and low level telepathic connections. He is meant to be the strongest character in the DC universe and has taken on many foes in his long run. Even though people believe that he has only one weakness, Kryptonite, the truth is that he has two other very significant weakness. One is that he d...