Shang Chi's Shocking End Credit Scenes explained.

Shang Chi and the Ten Rings Just released in Cinemas and the reviews have been stellar. This is being called the best origin story in Marvel history, and that’s saying something when the Marvel Universe is made up of many amazing movies. However what really shocked people were those scenes in the end credits. As it is now a tradition with Marvel, Shang Chi gave us two extra scenes. One in the mid credits and one in the end credits. I’m about to explain them both to you, and their shocking implications. Here we go.

Mid Credits Scene :

In the Mid Credits scene we see three familiar faces. Those being Captain Marvel, Bruce Banner and Wong. While Wong was already present in the movie, seeing these other faces came as a shock. However even more shocking than that is that Bruce Banner is no longer the Hulk. In Endgame we saw Bruce in his final form as Professor Hulk, However since than something has changed.

We at Regenerate Media predict that when the Professor Hulk used the Gauntlet to snap everyone back in Endgame, The Power of it Sucked up his gamma radiation and weakened the Hulk. The Hulk than had to go away for a while and let Banner take back control of his body. This could mean that The Hulk and Banner are no longer United, and their disagreement has once again started. Banner and Captain Marvel than tease that Something ominous is coming, Captain Marvel than leaves to face of another threat. This could also be a set up for The Marvel’s Movie. The scene than ends.

End Credits scene :

In the End credits scene we see Shang Chi’s sister once again take over her families throne. However if you haven’t watched the movie this would make no sense. All this means is that she could be a hero or a villain in the next movie. But something strange happens next.

Our Final title says that the Ten Rings will return. However they do not say that Shang Chi will. Could this just be a one of Movie for this character, will Marvel use the Ten Rings in other movies, Such as Captain America 4. There’s no tell for the moment. What do you think. Tell me in the comments section. Thank you for reading.


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