The Worst movies from DC and Marvel Universes have been revealed. This is why.

Both the MCU and the DCEU are beloved by millions of fans around the world. These movie universes make people happy every year and the stories they tell leave lasting impressions. However every now and than these universes do put out a dud. A movie so bad it cannot be ignored and needs to be ousted from their respective universe. Today I will take the time to analyze the worst movie from each universe and tell you why it’s so bad. However if you do disagree with me, please tell me in the comments as I am open to every thing you have to say.

The MCU Worst Movie :

The MCU has time and time again proven how strong it is. Making amazing movies that bring in hundreds of millions, and even billions at the box office. However with this one they clearly made a Mistake. The award for the worse movie in the MCU clearly goes to Captain Marvel. While many would argue that it’s The Incredible Hulk, I can promise you that The Incredible Hulk Has redeeming Qualities. Captain Marvel does now. This is why.

This movie is considered one of the worse for one simple reason, Timing. Captain Marvel is a origin story that was released right in the middle of two of the most important movies of all time. Infinity War had just ended and we were left heartbroken, anticipating what might happen in Endgame. However, what followed was a typical origin story. Sadly no one cared and people were more annoyed that anything else. If Captain Marvel was released earlier in the Phase, it may have been different. However no one cares about a New Character, when most of our favorite characters were wiped out of existence and those who were left had to deal with the consequences.

DCEU Worst Film :

This was much harder to find, as the movies within the DCEU are all about the same average quality (Apart from man of steel, which is amazing). However I did come to  a conclusion and the Worse Movie of the DCEU award goes to Wonder Woman 1984.

While I am positively in love with Gal Gadot. This movie did not do her any favors. At the core of it, it was just bland. Going from pretty good Wonder Woman to this contrived sequel was a complete shame and  something I want to forget about as a DCEU fan. Again it wasn’t horrible but compared o the other DCEU movies, it just didn’t belong.

Both these movies are an example of the fact that even great universe can fail sometimes. What did you think of my opinions. I am open to all comments. Thank you for reading.


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