
Showing posts from September, 2021

Which is the best spiderman and Which is the Worst.

Now that No way home is about to release, there has been a whole lot of attention surrounding Spiderman. More specifically, which is the best Spiderman. So far we have three incarnations of him in live action. With the most recent being Tom Holland. However he is also the least popular. In this article I am going to take a look at them and than give you a definitive answer on which is the best. This look will also include their villains. Tom Holland : Let’s start with the Current. Of the three, Tom Hollands Spiderman is the least favored by fans. Many believe that he is just iron Man Junior and that most of his spotlight was stolen by Tony Stark. Before he even had his own movie, he had to be introduced in a Captain America Movie. His villains, for the most part are also not as good as the rest, however they were well craft. Going from Vulture, to Mysterio, we see two sadly underpowered villains. While I love the way they were played, they their powers were underwhelming. So wh...

Shang Chi's Shocking End Credit Scenes explained.

Shang Chi and the Ten Rings Just released in Cinemas and the reviews have been stellar. This is being called the best origin story in Marvel history, and that’s saying something when the Marvel Universe is made up of many amazing movies. However what really shocked people were those scenes in the end credits. As it is now a tradition with Marvel, Shang Chi gave us two extra scenes. One in the mid credits and one in the end credits. I’m about to explain them both to you, and their shocking implications. Here we go. Mid Credits Scene : In the Mid Credits scene we see three familiar faces. Those being Captain Marvel, Bruce Banner and Wong. While Wong was already present in the movie, seeing these other faces came as a shock. However even more shocking than that is that Bruce Banner is no longer the Hulk. In Endgame we saw Bruce in his final form as Professor Hulk, However since than something has changed. We at Regenerate Media predict that when the Professor Hulk used the Gauntlet...

The Worst movies from DC and Marvel Universes have been revealed. This is why.

Both the MCU and the DCEU are beloved by millions of fans around the world. These movie universes make people happy every year and the stories they tell leave lasting impressions. However every now and than these universes do put out a dud. A movie so bad it cannot be ignored and needs to be ousted from their respective universe. Today I will take the time to analyze the worst movie from each universe and tell you why it’s so bad. However if you do disagree with me, please tell me in the comments as I am open to every thing you have to say. The MCU Worst Movie : The MCU has time and time again proven how strong it is. Making amazing movies that bring in hundreds of millions, and even billions at the box office. However with this one they clearly made a Mistake. The award for the worse movie in the MCU clearly goes to Captain Marvel. While many would argue that it’s The Incredible Hulk, I can promise you that The Incredible Hulk Has redeeming Qualities. Captain Marvel does now. Thi...

Is Google racist for doing this.

While Scrolling through Google recently I found Something quite strange. Something that made me wonder whether Google was really racist or not. This is something that Anyone can do, and when you do do it, I would like to know what you think down in the comments section. Now allow me to break it down for you. Follow all my instructions as accurately as you can. Step One : Go to your Google search engine and search for the phrase “Black Woman Happy”. When your search is complete open the images tab. You will find a group of cheerful Black Woman, nothing will seem out of the ordinary at first. Next is step too. Step Two : Now go back to the search engine and Google the phrase “Indian Woman Happy”. The result will show you images of cheerful Indian Woman, once again nothing will seem out of the ordinary. However the third step may shock you as it reveals some kind of racism within the Google algorithm. Step Three : This is the final step, once again go to the Google search en...

The Winchester's Pilot Episode Plot : Possible Spoilers

  While many Supernatural fans were not exactly happy when the Pilot for the Winchester’s were announced, the show could actually end up better than we expect it to be. Understandably people want a spinoff that deals with other Characters. Characters who they have bonded with over the run of the show. But let’s pretend for a second that it’s actually good. This is what I think will happen in the pilot for “The Winchester’s”. Full Episode Breakdown (Possible Spoilers). We start as a young John Winchester is rushing to something. We are not initially told what it is, but it seems like a life or death situation. He faces many small obstacles on his way their, and passes all of them. He eventually ends up at the hospital where he is just in time to witness the birth of his first son, Who he names Dean. Fast forward a few months and John and Mary are moving into their first home. They meet their neighbors, and other people who come over for a house warming party. While they seem...

Supernatural Ripped off the Vampire Diaries, But Here's who did it better.

Supernatural has become one of the most iconic shows in Television history, with a fifteen season run and multiple pieces of media (Books, Animations, Comics) spawning from it. However every good thing has to come to an end and earlier this year Supernatural took its final bow. However as its final season came to a close, the cast and the crew had to deal with the Covid 19 Pandemic and it lead to multiple issues. So when the final episode did air, many fans found it underwhelming. However, while those fans complained about the rushed ending, and the lack of notable characters, I found a very different issue. An issue that deeply disappointed me. This is how Supernatural copied the Vampire Diaries ending and ultimately did it worse. The Road So Far : The first thing you would notice about the final episode of Supernatural is that it did not have a road so far segment. While that bothered me, what bothered me more came somewhere in the middle of the episode. In the Vampire Diaries,...

Proof that DC fans are more toxic than Marvel Fans.

When many people support a fandom, they do it out of love for the movies, books or television shows. These fans are generally people who enjoy the work, however the thing about people is that they will not miss an opportunity to show their dark side. Toxic fans are the worse people you will ever have the displeasure of talking too. They work out of pure ego and spend their time insulting people of both their own fandom and competing fandoms. However recently one particular fandom has shows their nasty side on two separate occasions. Below is proof that DC fans are more toxic than Marvel Fans and the lengths they will go to show it. Restore Being Considerate of others : If there’s one thing that DC fans desperately want, it’s the restoration of the Snyderverse. Zack Snyder’s emo fantasy version of the DC universe that has failed on multiple occasions and made people (Including it’s own actors) miserable. DC fans so desperately want this that they have taken to doing something comple...